0 Jupiter Moons Orbit Graph for %s %d 1 1: Io 2: Europa 3: Ganymede 4: Callisto 2 W 3 E 4 Day of Month (at Midnight) 5 Planet Orbit Graph for %d 6 RA 7 Month 8 Planet Magnitude Graph for %d 9 Magnitude 10 Planet Illuminated Fraction Graph for %d 11 Illum. Frac. 12 Planet Angular Diameter Graph for %d 13 Diameter (sec) 14 Planet-Sun Distance Graph for %d 15 Planet-Earth Distance Graph for %d 16 Distance (AU) 17 Planet Angle Graph for %s, %s %d 18 Angle (degrees) 19 Equation of Time Graph for %d 20 Minutes 21 Day Length Graph for %d (%s %c) 22 Hours 23 Sun Angle Graph for %d (%s %c) 24 Angle at Transit 25 Analemma Graph for %d (%s %c) 26 Sun Shadow at Mean Solar Noon (numbers denote months) 27 Sunrise Graph for %d (%s %c) 28 Azimuth of Sun 29 Moon Angular Speed Graph for %d 30 Degrees per Day 31 Moon Illuminated Fraction Graph for %s %d 32 Illum. Frac. 35 Out of memory 36 Must enter location name 40 CITIES.DAT 41 Cannot load city location database 42 No name 43 CITIES.NEW 44 Cannot save city location database 45 Cannot close city location database 46 Save city location database? 47 Save assigned colors? 52 Astronomy Lab 2 53 Year must be between 1000 and 3000 54 Month must be between 1 and 12 55 Day must be between 1 and 31 56 Hours must be between 0 and 23 57 Minutes must be between 0 and 59 58 Invalid date 59 Invalid number 60 Time speed must be between -64 and 64 61 View angle must be between 5° and 90° 62 Astronomy Lab 2 - Error 63 Ecliptic Top 64 Ecliptic Side 65 Select at least one planet 66 Jupiter Moons Side 67 Jupiter Moons Top 68 Select at least one moon 69 Stop month cannot be less than start month 70 Calendar 71 Moon Apsides 72 Meteor Showers 73 Twilight 74 Almanac 75 Seasons 76 Dates of Easter 77 Solar Eclipses 78 Lunar Eclipses 79 Stop year cannot be less than start year 80 Planet View Info 81 Planet Conj/Opp 82 Equation of Time 83 Day Length 84 Sun Angle 85 Analemma 86 Sunrise 87 Moon Angular Speed 88 Moon Illum. Frac. 89 ALW.INI 90 Planet Orbit 91 Planet Magnitude 92 Planet Illum. Frac. 93 Planet Diameter 94 eta Coronae Bor. 95 gamma Virginis 96 eta Cassiopeiae 97 zeta Orionis 98 Sirius 99 delta Geminorum 100 Castor 101 Procyon 102 alpha Centauri 103 Antares 104 Select a binary star 105 Year must be between -4000 and 32000 106 Planet Distance 107 Select at least one item to view 108 Select a star 109 Turbo mode requires that you track a planet or star 110 Latitude must be between 0° and 90° 111 Longitude must be between 0° and 180° 112 Minutes must be between 0 and 59 113 Seconds must be between 0 and 59 114 Time zone must be between -12 and 12 hours 115 Elevation must be between -400 and 8900 meters 123 Latitude cannot be greater than 60° 124 1: Io 125 2: Europa 126 3: Ganymede 127 4: Callisto 128 ALW.EXE 129 STARS.DAT 131 Generating Report: %s%% complete (will finish in %s min, %s sec) 132 Ecliptic 133 Planetarium 134 Jupiter & Moons 135 Binary Star 136 Date: %s 137 Time: %s 138 Julian Date (UT) 139 Theta: %s° 140 Rho: %s" 141 RA: %s 142 DEC: %s 143 GST: %s 144 LST: %s 145 Alt: %s 146 Azi:%s (%s) 147 Turbo is On 148 Turbo is Off 149 Tracking is On 150 Tracking is Off 151 View Angle: %s° 153 N 154 NE 155 E 156 SE 157 S 158 SW 159 W 160 NW 161 NM 162 FQ 163 FM 164 LQ 165 MEQ 166 JSO 167 SEQ 168 DSO 174 January 175 February 176 March 177 April 178 May 179 June 180 July 181 August 182 September 183 October 184 November 185 December 186 Day/Night 187 Date: %s Time: %s Time Speed: %s 188 Winter 189 Spring 190 Summer 191 Autumn 192 Seasons Report for %s 193 %s: %s %s %s Length: %s days 194 Dates of Easter Report for %s 195 Printing 196 d 197 m 198 s 199 h 200 No name 201 Rigel 202 Algjebbah 203 Bellatrix 204 Thabit 205 Mintaka 206 Heka 207 Hatysa 208 Alnilam 209 Alnitak 210 Saiph 211 Betelgeuse 212 Propus 213 Tejat 214 Alhena 215 Mebsuta 216 Alzirr 217 Mekbuda 218 Wesat 219 Castor 220 Pollux 221 Hassaleh 222 Sadatoni 223 Capella (dub 224 Menkarlina 225 Muscida 226 Ta tsun 227 Talita 228 Tania boreal 229 Tania austr. 230 Merak 231 Dubhe 232 Alula austr. 233 Alula borea. 234 Alkafzah 235 Phad 236 Megrez 237 Alioth 238 Mizar 239 Alcor 240 Alkaid 241 Giansar 242 Thuban 243 Edasich 244 Aldihibain 245 Aldhibah 246 Alwaid 247 Dziban 248 Juza 249 Eltamin 250 Tais 251 Alrakis 252 Tyl 253 Polaris 254 Kocab 255 Pherkad maj. 256 Alifa 257 Yildun 258 Praecipua 259 Alterf 260 Subra 261 Asad austra. 262 Rassalas 263 Regulus 264 Adhafera 265 Algieba 266 Zosma 267 Chort 268 Denebola 269 Vega 270 Sheliak 271 Sulaphat 272 Aladfar 273 Albireo 274 Sadr 275 Deneb 276 Gienah 277 V.832 cyg 278 Azelfafage 279 (double) 280 Alderamin 281 Alphirk 282 Garnet star" 283 Kurdah 284 Proto cephed 285 Alrai 286 Alpheratz 287 Mirach 288 Almaak 289 Chaph 290 Shedir 291 Achird 292 Cih 293 Marfak 294 Ruchbah 295 Segin 296 Enif 297 Biham 298 Homan 299 Matar 300 Sadalbari 301 Scheat 302 Markab 303 Algenib 304 Kerb 305 Algol 306 Misam 307 Mirphak 308 Ati 309 Atik 310 Menkib 311 Nembus 312 Rasasmothala 313 Arcturus 314 Seginus 315 Izar 316 Nekkar 317 Alkalurops 318 Diadem 319 Nusakan 320 Alphekka 321 Rotanev 322 Svalocin 323 Kitalpha 324 Cujam 325 Kornephoros 326 Rutilicus 327 Rasalgethi 328 Sarin 329 Masym 330 Gomeisa 331 Procyon 332 Chara 333 Cor caroli 334 Dheneb 335 Althalimain 336 Tarazed 337 Altair 338 Alshain 339 Unukalhai 340 Alya (dbl) 341 Tegmine 342 Asellus bor. 343 Asellus aus. 344 Acubens 345 Mesartim a 346 Mesartim b 347 Sheratan 348 Hamal 349 Botein 350 Electra (p) 351 Taygete (p) 352 Maia (p) 353 Merope (p) 354 Alcyone (p) 355 Atlas (p) 356 Pleione (p) 357 Primus hyade 358 Hyades 359 Ain hyades 360 Aldebaran 361 Al nath 362 Alheka 363 Zavijava 364 Zaniah 365 Arich 366 Minelauva 367 Vindemiatrix 368 Spica 369 Heze 370 Syrma 371 Khambalia 372 Zubenel-genu 373 Zubenalgubi 374 Zubenelchema 375 Zubenelhakra 376 Dschubba 377 Graffias 378 Jabhat al ak 379 Jabbah 380 Alniyat 381 Antares 382 Wei 383 Lesath 384 Shaula 385 Sargas 386 Girtab 387 Alnasr 388 Polis 389 Kaus merid. 390 Kaus austral 391 Kaus boreali 392 Nunki 393 Ascella 394 Albaldah 395 Arkab 396 Rukbat 397 Al giedi 1 398 Al giedi 2 399 Dabih 400 Nashira 401 Deneb al gie 402 Albali 403 Sadalsuud 404 Sadalmelik 405 Ancha 406 Sadachiba 407 Alpherg 408 Al rischa 409 Baten kaitos 410 Diphda 411 Mira 412 Alkaffaljidh 413 Menkar 414 Alphard 415 (v.red) 416 F hydrae 417 Yed prior 418 Yed post 419 Marfik 420 Han 421 Sabik 422 Rasalhague 423 Cheleb 424 Alkes 425 Nihal 426 Arneb 427 Phurad 428 Mirzam 429 Sirius 430 Adhara 431 Muliphen 432 Wezea 433 Aludra 434 Alkhiba 435 Minkar 436 Algorel 437 Kraz 438 Achernar 439 Azha 440 Acamar 441 Zibal 442 Angetenar 443 Rana 444 Zaurak 445 Beid 446 Keid 447 Theemini 448 Sceptrum 449 Kursa 450 * microscopi 451 Formalhaut 452 Asmidiske 453 Suhail hadar 454 Turais 455 Phakt 456 Wazn 457 Choo 458 Canopus 459 Avior 460 Miaplacidus 461 Tureis 462 Menkent 463 Agena 464 Alpha centau 465 Acrux 1 466 Acrux 2 467 Mimosa 468 Alnair 469 Al dhanab 470 Men 471 Kekouan 472 * octans 473 Ankaa 474 Atria 475 Koo she 476 Al suhail 477 Markeb 500 And 501 Ant 502 Aps 503 Aqr 504 Aql 505 Ara 506 Ari 507 Aur 508 Boo 509 Cae 510 Cam 511 Cnc 512 CVn 513 CMa 514 CMi 515 Cap 516 Car 517 Cas 518 Cen 519 Cep 520 Cet 521 Cha 522 Cir 523 Col 524 Com 525 CrA 526 CrB 527 Crv 528 Crt 529 Cru 530 Cyg 531 Del 532 Dor 533 Dra 534 Equ 535 Eri 536 For 537 Gem 538 Gru 539 Her 540 Hor 541 Hya 542 Hyi 543 Ind 544 Lac 545 Leo 546 LMi 547 Lep 548 Lib 549 Lup 550 Lyn 551 Lyr 552 Men 553 Mic 554 Mon 555 Mus 556 Nor 557 Oct 558 Oph 559 Ori 560 Pav 561 Peg 562 Per 563 Phe 564 Pic 565 Psc 566 PsA 567 Pup 568 Pyx 569 Ret 570 Sge 571 Sgr 572 Sco 573 Scl 574 Sct 575 Ser 576 Sex 577 Tau 578 Tel 579 Tri 580 TrA 581 Tuc 582 UMa 583 UMi 584 Vel 585 Vir 586 Vol 587 Vul 588 XXX 600 Planet Data Report 603 Planet Mean Dist Period of Inclination Equatorial 604 From Sun Revolution Diameter 605 (AU) (km) 607 Mercury 0#39 88 days 7° 4880 608 Venus 0#72 224#7 days 3#4° 12100 609 Earth 1#00 365#24 days 0° 12756 610 Mars 1#52 687 days 1#9° 6794 611 Jupiter 5#20 11#86 years 1#3° 143200 612 Saturn 9#54 29#46 years 2#5° 120000 613 Uranus 19#18 84 years 0#8° 52290 614 Neptune 30#06 165 years 1#8° 50450 615 Pluto 39#44 248 years 17#2° 2200-2300 617 ! 618 ! 619 ! 620 ! 621 ! 622 ! 623 ! 624 ! 625 ! 626 ! 627 ! 628 ! 629 ! 630 ! 631 ! 632 ! 633 ! 634 ! 635 ! 636 ! 637 ! 638 ! 639 ! 640 ! 641 Apogee 642 Perigee 643 Moon Apsides Report for %s 644 Date Hour Apsis Distance (km) Diameter 645 %s %2d %-7s %6ld %s° 646 Twilight Report for %s 647 Date Sun Astronomical Nautical Civil 648 Rise Set Begin End Begin End Begin End 649 %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s 650 Cannot generate Twilight Report for latitude greater than 60° 651 ----- 652 Meteor Showers Report for %s 653 Date Meteor Shower ZHR RA DEC Illum. Frac. Longitude 654 %s %-18s %s %7s %4s %s %s° 655 ?? 656 SR 657 SS 658 MR 659 MS 660 SE 661 LE 662 +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ 663 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 664 Calendar Report for %s 665 Perihelion 666 Aphelion 667 No Apsis 668 Planet Apsides Report for %s 669 %s %-10s Distance from Sun: %s AU 670 Superior Conjunction 671 Inferior Conjunction 672 Conjunction 673 Opposition 674 (Transit) 675 (Occultation) 676 Planet Conjunction/Opposition Report for %s 677 Date Hour Event 678 %s %s %-20s %-13s 679 No Event 680 Planet View Info Report for %s 681 Date Rise Set RA Dec Elongation Ill Fr DIST(AU) 682 %s %s %s %s %10s %11s %s %s 683 %-20s Latitude: %s %c Longitude: %s %c 684 Local Time = UT %c %s hours Elevation: %d meters 685 Cannot load star database 686 Star database not loaded 687 Printer has not been selected or is improperly configured 688 Cannot print to current printer 689 Astronomy Lab 2 - Fatal error 690 Internal error - please contact product support 691 No system resources available 692 No timer available 693 GDI error 694 Cannot load menu accelerators 695 Window error 696 Insufficient memory to store report contents 697 Clipboard error 698 Cannot create dialog box 700 Introduction to Reports Generated by Astronomy Lab 2 702 In all reports, times and dates are in standard time (not daylight 703 savings time or summer time). Times are in 24 hour format. 705 Abbreviations used in reports: 707 AU Astronomical Units 708 D Degrees 709 DEC Declination 710 DIST Distance 711 DSO December Solstice 712 E East 713 FM Full Moon 714 FQ First Quarter Moon 715 H Hours 716 ILL FR, 717 ILLUM FRAC Illuminated Fraction 718 JSO June Solstice 719 KM Kilometers 720 LE Lunar Eclipse 721 LQ Last Quarter Moon 722 M Minutes 723 MEQ March Equinox 724 MR Moon Rise 725 MS Moon Set 726 N North 727 NM New Moon 728 RA Right Ascension 729 S South, Seconds 730 SE Solar Eclipse 731 SEQ September Equinox 732 SR Sunrise 733 SS Sunset 734 UT Universal Time 735 W West 736 ZHR Zenithal Hourly Rate 737 ! 738 ! 739 ! 740 ! 741 ! 742 ! 743 ! 744 ! 745 ! 746 ! 747 ! 748 ! 749 ! 750 ! 751 ! 752 ! 753 ! 754 ! 755 ! 756 ! 757 ! 758 ! 759 ! 760 ! 761 ! 762 ! 763 ! 764 ! 765 ! 766 ! 767 ! 768 ! 769 ! 770 ! 771 ! 772 ! 773 ! 774 ! 775 ! 776 ! 777 ! 778 ! 779 ! 780 ! 781 ! 782 ! 783 ! 784 ! 785 ! 786 ! 787 ! 788 ! 789 ! 790 ! 791 ! 792 ! 793 ! 794 ! 795 ! 796 ! 797 ! 798 ! 799 ! 800 Quadrantids 801 Virginids 802 Lyrids 803 alpha-Scorpiids 804 eta-Aquarids 805 alpha-Scorpiids 806 Ophiuchids 807 Ophiuchids 808 Capricornids 809 Capricornids 810 alpha-Cygnids 811 Capricornids 812 delta-Aquarids 813 Piscis Australids 814 alpha-Capricornids 815 iota-Aquarids 816 Perseids 817 alpha-Cygnids 818 Piscids 819 Piscids 820 Piscids 821 Orionids 822 Taurids 823 Leonids 824 Puppids-Velids 825 Geminids 826 Ursids 827 Puppids-Velids 830 Solar Eclipse Report for %s 831 Solar eclipse on %s 832 Sun rise: %s 833 Sun set: %s 834 Time of maximum eclipse: %s 835 Eclipse is total 836 Eclipse is annular 837 Eclipse is annular-total 838 Eclipse is partial, maximum magnitude = %s 839 Eclipse is visible in the northern hemisphere 840 Eclipse is visible in the southern hemisphere 841 Lunar Eclipse Report for %s 842 Lunar eclipse on %s 843 Moon rise: %s 844 Moon set: %s 845 Magnitude: %s 846 Partial phase begins: %s 847 Total phase begins: %s 848 Time of maximum eclipse: %s 849 Total phase ends: %s 850 Partial phase ends: %s 851 Insufficient memory to copy report to clipboard 852 Insufficient memory to copy screen image to clipboard 853 alw.hlp 854 Help error 855 Cannot save color information in file ALW.INI 856 Cannot save location information in file ALW.INI 857 Cannot create font 858 Cannot print graphics on currently selected printer 859 Cannot load world map 860 Menu error 861 Memory error 862 Dialog box error 863 %s %s pt 864 Select a font 865 Printing: %s%% complete 866 Insufficient memory for Jet Trails 867 Select a printer 870 Sun 871 Moon 872 Earth 873 Mercury 874 Venus 875 Mars 876 Jupiter 877 Saturn 878 Uranus 879 Neptune 880 Pluto 881 Umbra 882 Penumbra 883 Io 884 Europa 885 Ganymede 886 Callisto 887 Stars 888 Main Star 889 Companion 1000 Eclipses Graph 1001 Eclipses Graph for %d to %d 1002 Year 1003 No default printer. Use Control Panel to install and select a default printer. 1010 Real Time 1011 1 Hour 1012 1 Day 1013 1 Week 1014 1 Month 1015 Paused 1016 Time Speed: %3d 1017 Time Speed: %s 1100 Software\Personal MicroCosms\Astronomy Lab 2\2.00\ 1101 Cannot store/retrieve data to/from the registry 1102 Moon Nodes 1103 Moon Nodes Report for %s 1104 Date Time Node Illuminated Fraction 1105 %s %s %-10.10s %s 1106 Ascending 1107 Descending